Se, että Valko-Venäjällä on oma “Viagra”, ei ole mikään uutinen. Aihe kiinnostaa kuitenkin edelleen miehiä. Millaisia pillereitä ne ovat, auttavatko ne ja kuinka kauan vaikutus kestää? Tuottajat tietenkin varmistavat vahvauros website tuotteensa laadun. Ja miten on todellisuudessa? Sputnik päätti tehdä rehellisen kokeen. Aluksi kirjeenvaihtajamme meni apteekkiin naamioituneena tavalliseksi kuluttajaksi: mitä he neuvoisivat häntä.
Join us for a half-day of conversations, startup demos and celebration as we bring together entrepreneurs, funders, and government innovators.Look forward to the following as this year’s event:
1:00 pm: Doors Open for Space Startup Summit at Glorieta Station
1:30 – 1:40: Opening Remarks
1:40 – 2:00: State of the Space Startup Industry
– Van Espahbodi – Starburst Ventures
2:00 – 2:30: The Future of Government and Startup Collaboration in Space:
– Maureen Gannon – X-Bow Launch Systems
– Cliff Massey – CrowdAI
– Bon Strout – 317th Operations Support Squadron
– Peter Wegner – Spaceflight Industries
2:30 – 3:00: BREAK — Refreshments and networking
3:00 – 4:15: Hyperspace Challenge Pitches
4:15 + : Networking and awards ceremony
5:00 + : Food trucks and farewells
Optional after party at Marble Brewing
Parking Information
Glorieta Station is located to the south of Villa Myriam Coffee near Lomas and Broadway. Our team will be outside to help with parking, please park through the gates to the north of Villa Myriam, and do not park in Villa Myriam’s lot. The entrance to Glorieta Station is on the east side of the building.