In a field where taking your tech from prototype to tested capability may require some galactic hitchhiking, it’s important to start thinking about how you will secure a ride early in the game. In true Hyperspace fashion, we’ve gathered several of the industry’s top experts to help you get your satellites in a row now so you won’t find yourself in a jam later. The Space Test program’s Dr. Veronica Vigil will shed light on government opportunities within Space Systems Command at the Space Test Program for technology that has a military use. Gary Rodrique, consultant and expert at bringing new technology ideas to market among many other things, will discuss the pros and cons of different platforms and the tools and funding opportunities that may be available to help companies get to space. Space industry veteran, Dr. Peter Wegner, Co-Founder of BlackVe and former CTO of BlackSky will look at things from a venture perspective and talk about what smalls need to think about when designing their products and also policies and regulations that have the ability to stop your product dead in its flight path once you get to space. This is sure to be an information packed webinar that just might save you some costly mistakes down the road.