2021 Problem Sponsor Tentative Timeline 


May – June: Problem Sponsor Recruitment

Interested in learning more about the program? Know someone who would be a good fit? Contact [email protected] to schedule a time with our team to learn more. From there we’ll ask your team to submit a problem statement for this year’s challenge.

Estimated Time Commitment:  About 1 hour


Mid June: Problem Sponsor Virtual Design Workshop

 Join the other selected problem sponsors, SMEs, operators, and government partners as we frame the program together in a 3-4 hour virtual design workshop. This is scheduled for Thursday, June 17, 11:30am MT.

Estimated Time Commitment:  4 hours


July: Start University and Startup Recruitment

 The Hyperspace Challenge team begins outreach to identify startup and university teams with exciting technologies that match the needs of your problem statement.

Estimated Time Commitment:  None

Mid August: Problem Sponsor Webinars

The intention of the webinar is to give companies and universities perspective on the scope and nuance of your problem statement before submitting their white paper for consideration. Join our team as we lead a one-hour panel discussion on your problem statement, followed by Q&A with prospective companies and universities. There is no need to prepare slides.

Estimated Time Commitment:  ~1.5 hours, one hour webinar with minimal preparation.


Approx. 8 September: Applications Close, Review and Selection

Your team will help us evaluate the 3-page white papers that startup and university teams submit based on your problem statement and the webinars.  We use a streamlined evaluation tool to make evaluations simple and minimize the time required per company.

Estimated Time Commitment:  ~4 hours per team member, dependent on number of applications received pertaining to your problem statement.


October – November:  Accelerator Programming and 1:1 Meetings

As a problem sponsor, you are committing to meet one-on-one with each of the teams in which you expressed interest. Our team facilitates and schedules these meetings.  You will also be invited to attend networking events with the larger cohort of startup and university teams.

Estimated Time Commitment:  Varies, about 4-8 hours

Week of 15 November : Hyperspace Summit

At this event teams deliver 3-5 minute presentations on their proposed solutions to an audience of government, venture capital, and Industry leaders. Your team will be asked to do a final evaluation of the pitches and join the live event!

Estimated time commitment: 2 hours